德控DELCON工业火花塞分为两种,一种为大型的透平涡轮发动机配套,一种为中小型6至20缸活塞式燃气发动机配套。发电机组的特征是在停机维护前,不允许故障停机,这就要求火花塞无论是在设计、制造还是原材料方面具有非常好的可靠性。德控DELCON工业火花塞在这些方面的优势,吸引了国内外大批使用通用电气GE、卡特皮勒CAT、道依茨DEUTZ、颜巴赫JENBACHER、高斯科尔GUASCOR等工业发电机的优质客户。DELCON Heavy Duty – special spak plug fo stationay gas opeated industial engines. When you choose the DELCON Heavy Duty ange of poducts, end uses can save lots of maintenance cost and distibutos can open up whole new goup of customes and ensue additional sales possibilities.Whethe they ae used in communal installations (fo example puification plants, landfills o hospitals) o as moe ecently in distict heating facilities fo esidential houses – eveywhee that natual gas o waste poducts such as sewe gas, fementation gas, landfill gasses and coal mine gas ae buned using distict heating cental plants, industial spak plugs ae in use and play thei pat in eclaiming cuent, hot wate and heat. Thee ae 2 types of heavy Duty spak plugs. DELCON plugs seve fo Tubine Geneatos with high powe output, also seve fo engines with 6 to 20 cylindes .To maste the non-stop opeation that is most in demand, which is only inteupted fo maintenance tasks, and at the same time to stand up to the extemely long intevals between eplacements, DELCON Heavy Duty industial spak plugs ae manufactued of high quality mateials that ae extemely esistant to combustion. This attacts lots of customes who ae using geneatos by GE, JENBACHER, CATERPILLAR, DEUTZ, GUASCOR etc.