绿鸟照明工厂简介:绿鸟照明位于中国灯饰之都-中山市古镇,成立于2006年,原名叫做雷普照明,于2010年改名为绿鸟照明,绿鸟照明名字起源于其一:是绿色环保节能照明,其二:绿色的翠鸟专注的鸟类,意味着专注于特色照明行业。绿鸟照明的英文GeenBid,非常形象容易记住。绿鸟照明在2006-2007年创立的时候,主要从事日光灯支架电子头的生产与销售,曾在2006-2010年一度在埃及市场占有率达到50%以上,是中国第一家拥有出口埃及CIQ支架证书的企业,在2007年,进入低压127V矿用节能灯行业,至今仍是中国127V节能灯中国第一品牌,2007年,为北京奥运工程制造T5HO的高亮日光灯支架4000条,2009年,研发制造36V节能灯,在全国至今一直保持单品冠军,2010年,制造12V48V直流节能灯产品,又成为全国前三名的低压直流节能灯照明品牌,2010年全国第一家研发与制造低压LED球泡灯企业,在中国首家推出低压12V36V48V60V球泡灯,在中国推出第一个低压12-85V魔球,同时绿鸟照明也是中国低压12-85V猪肉灯发明者。绿鸟照明于2013年研发声光控球泡、声光控灯座、声光控开关,2014年研发雷达球泡、雷达开关、雷达日光灯等产品,2015年研发应急球泡等产品,目前声光控、雷达、应急照明技术研发处于全国的领先水平。绿鸟照明目前是全国最大最全的低压与感应LED灯制造工厂,久负盛名的特色LED制造工厂,全国超过一半的地铁、轻轨选用绿鸟照明的低压照明产品,绿鸟声光控感应、雷达感应产品备受物业公司欢迎,多家大型物业公司指定绿鸟照明感应产品,同时绿鸟产品出口全球超过50个国家与地区,未来绿鸟照明正在打造全国最大的特色照明仓储式一站式供应商,欢迎广大客商前来我厂参观指导,合作共赢!Geen bid lighting is located in the Zhongshan Ancient Town Town, which is known as the lighting capital of China. It is specialized in poducing all kinds of 12V, 24V, 36V, 48V, 60V, 110V, 127V, LED 220V. Such as LED lamp cup, LED fluoescent lamp, LED panel light, LED lamp, led ceiling lamp, fluoescent lamp, steet lamps, cast light lighting manufactuing entepises. Geen bid lighting in Haizhou industial zone has 5000 squae metes wokshop and R & Dcente, 10 yeas of integity pass gold membe, integity index has eached 150 points, the company's poducts with stable quality, duable, affodable, in the county have a cetain competitive advantage and visibility. In the domestic maket has moe than 500 distibution netwok, a model poject county, fo example: the Beijing subway, Tianjin subway, Binhai Aipot Teminal 2 building, Qingdao, Chengdu, Dalian meto, Chongqing light ail, new ecological city, China Coal Goup, in boat goup, Zhang Yu funitue, hose head lamp, meteo Gaden Hotel Distibution and so on. In the intenational maket, poducts ae expoted to moe than 50 counties and egions, the geen bids lighting poducts has moved to the county, to the wold.English tanslation, then put the plant location took photos.ZHonGSHAN GREEN BIRD LIGHTING CO.,LTD.ADD:HAIZHOU ZONE GUZHEN TOWN ZHonGSHAN CITY GUANGDONG CHINA0086-760-22380040